Saturday, July 31, 2010

MigueL's Dynamic Karate Blog

Just a quick message before today's Ibusuki Sensei Session. In the year I wasn't filing to this blog, quite a few things happened of course but another consistent diarist, MigueL Harker, is doing a good job of recording his experiences of the KWF SA at his blog, Shotokan: My Karate, My Way.

Which is different from My Way....(ahem)....Yuko said that Sid Vicious was an even worse singer than me. But she hasn't heard me attempting Shoot to Thrill at Karaoke yet! The less said about that, the better.

MigueL is affiliated to the KWF and his primary connections are to Bryan and Mike Dukas Sensei, who regularly travel to Japan and train directly under YS and IS Sensei. In fact, you can't keep Bryan Dukas Sensei away, and he is really regarded as one of the KWF Hombu family. Some people think he has KWF DNA written into his chromosomes!

Anyway MigueL kindly informed me that my links to him were out of date (i.e. dead, ahem) so I have corrected them - many apologies, MigueL. Old fuddy duddy here linking to hyperspace ;-)


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